Working in a children's and youth movement is a pedagogical obligation
and demands points of orientation. Blauring and Jungwacht have
formulated five principles under the title "Creating room
for freedom".
We need to take the continuously changing life of children into
consideration. Therefore, social, religious and political engagement
are our tasks. Since these commitments are adapted according to
the level - from children's groups to the national board - every
principle shows not only a basic description but also concrete
ideas for children's groups, leader's teams, regional leaders
and the whole movement.
The principles described here are objectives that we want to achieve.
Of course this is sometimes a difficult process.
Creating room of freedom
and Jungwacht create room and freedom for the development of children.
Blauring and Jungwacht mutually respect individual freedom.
Blauring and Jungwacht are committed to the free development of
human beings.
The principle of Blauring and Jungwacht work is the holistic
development of children and youths. In a world that is constantly
growing closer and where children are forgotten too often, Blauring
and Jungwacht want to create room for life and offer children
a place of security and freedom in their leisure time.
We encourage each other to speak about our own wishes and
opinions and we respect other opinions. We practise the decision-taking
process and learn to respect and carry out decisions taken.
It is important that children can be influential (adapted to their
age) on the future of the local group and the organisation, but
also on society, state and church.
Democratic participation in building our future as well as lobbying
for the interests of children and youths are essential.
Being together
We build a community where everyone feels supported by respecting
and learning from one another.
It is not only important to have a place where we feel close to
another, but also
carry responsibility, be considerate of other people, be tolerant
and solve conflicts.
Being creative
With a varying range of activities we let fantasy take its
course, we discover new skills and are happy about our skills.
Creativity in games, work, playing instruments, singing, drama,
etc. is important - not the perfect performance, but the joy and
pleasure of developing individual skills and making new experiences.
Every individual shall develop his or her own, special personality.
Experiencing nature
We explore and experience our environment with all our senses.
We respect and enjoy the nature.
Besides exploring and being amazed of nature, it is important
to respect and protect her. We don't want to dominate nature,
but we see us as a part of her.
We experience and praise God as the fundament of our community.
The example of Jesus gives us orientation.
We need moments of celebration and contemplation as well as a
social commitment and being part of the ecumenical movement. Children
of every denomination and religion are welcome in Blauring and
Jungwacht. As part of the local parishes we are Church and look
for forms of religious life that are special for children and

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